7PAR: 7-Parameter Transformation

This record specifies a set of values for a 7-parameter transformation of 3D coordinate records (PLH, PLO, NEH, NEO, XYZ). All 3D coordinate records after the 7PAR record, and before another 7PAR record, will be transformed.

To disable a 7-parameter transformation, simply use a blank 7PAR record.

The format of the 7PAR record is as follows:

Columns 002-005: 7PAR
Columns 011-022: X translation
Columns 024-035: Y translation
Columns 037-048: Z translation
Columns 050-061: X rotation (arc-seconds)
Columns 063-074: Y rotation (arc-seconds)
Columns 076-087: Z rotation (arc-seconds)
Columns 089-100: Scale difference (PPM)
Columns 102-103: Linear unit name