4PAR: 4-Parameter Transformation

This record specifies a set of values for a 4-parameter transformation of 2D coordinate records (PL or NE) and 3D coordinate records (PLH, PLO, NEH, NEO, XYZ). All coordinate records after the 4PAR record, and before another 4PAR record, will be transformed.

To disable a 4-parameter transformation, simply use a blank 4PAR record.

The format of the 4PAR record is as follows:

Columns 002-005: 4PAR
Columns 011-011: Indicator for north (n/N/space) or south (s/S) for origin latitude
Columns 012-014: Degrees of origin latitude
Columns 016-017: Minutes of origin latitude
Columns 019-027: Seconds of origin latitude
Columns 029-029: Indicator for east (e/E/space) or west (w/W) for origin longitude
Columns 030-032: Degrees of origin longitude
Columns 034-035: Minutes of origin longitude
Columns 037-045: Seconds of origin longitude
Columns 047-058: North/south translation (linear unit)
Columns 060-071: East/west translation (linear unit)
Columns 073-084: Rotation angle around zenith (arc-seconds)
Columns 086-097: Scale difference (PPM)
Columns 099-100: Linear unit name